Renewable Energy Opposition & Community Dynamics:

* Why Do So Many Renewable Projects Stall? – From the What If It Works Podcast Series

* Overcoming a Key Source of Opposition: Respecting Tribal Rights & Right to Consultation

* Ayelet Hines in Recharge: US renewable energy developers are losing the battle for new projects to politically-savvy opponents

* Reveal’s Observations of Rural Opposition to Large Scale Solar Development

* Lawrence Susskind on Wisconsin Public Radio: As solar energy grows, so do conflicts over where to put it

* Mapping Resistance: Insights from the Sabin Center's Report on Renewable Energy Opposition

* Behind the Backlash: How an Activist Group is Influencing Public Opinion on Rural Solar Projects

* Backlash to New Renewable Energy Projects escalates across the Country

* Kevin Martis: the Man Fueling Clean Energy Opposition in the Midwest

* Understanding the Nationwide Backlash on Renewable Projects from Ohio and their Drastic Restrictions to Wind and Solar Development
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